Veille Design

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Landscape Forms has debuted 'Link,' an innovative and highly flexible outdoor seating system.[...]…
conmoto founder Johannes Wagner is offering innovative hygiene solutions for public and commercial areas…
    If we start seeing more touchless interface options in businesses and public spaces, we’ll probably…
Speakers for designers are like pizza toppings for regular people, you can never stop with the combinations…
"Inspired by the structure of carbon molecules, Ukrainian design studio ODESD2 has created the Buckyball…
"Bang & Olufsen has launched Beosound Balance, its newest flexible speaker with unprecedented powerful…
"Canadian designer Nikki Alagha recently debuted a new project at the VDF collaboration with Ventura…
"Earlier this year, a colorful, terraced design created by South Korean designers Soomeen Hahm, Jaeheon…